Friday, April 21, 2006


Eastern Paranormal is doing some great work in the field of EVP'S. We hope to have our EVP page up and running no later than this fall at . Until then enjoy these two EVP's simply by clicking on the links that we got from the first two tapings at the old jailhouse.When you click on the links it will either bring it up in your media player or Quick Time. We will also be posting some articles later on EVP'S explaining how you distinguish the difference in an EVP and a human voice, tech tips, and such.

The First One (How's that?) The question they were replying to was, "Could you please leave us a messages that make sense and replies only to our questions?" The reason we always make that statement/question on our EVP's is EP is mainly interested in collecting data for study. Many EVP's posted on the web make no sense and are just jibberish. If we are ever in doubt we throw it out.:

The Second One, which is the first one reversed ("How are ya?"):

We will also be posting some articles later on reverse speech and how it works with EVP's. We still have more video and audio to go over from that night.
